Chickadee on Seed Tube Feeder


                       Bird Feeding: the Cure for Cabin Fever


Start by cleaning your feeders, bird feeding stations and baffles and repairing any weather damage.

Offering NEW foods in addition to bird seed and seed cylinders can help you attract more birds to your feeding stations.



Loaded with protein, mealworms can help you attract common and uncommon insect-eating birds like bluebirds or wrens.


Suet and Fats

Suet is a high-energy, high-fat substance  (especially when loaded with nuts), when birds are looking for supplemental sources of nutrition.



Loaded with protein and fat, peanuts provide birds with the necessary energy to defend territories and raise healthy families.

Stop by the store this month. We have all the new foods you need to bring more birds to your yard and help you get over any lingering effects of winter.